When you aren’t sure where to turn for reliable information about daycare negligence, wrongful death, or personal injuries in Texas, check out our library of free articles. Our legal team researches topics that we believe will be helpful in answering your questions. Use this as your resource as you plan your recovery and decide whether to take legal action against the responsible party.
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Is Your Child’s Daycare Retaliating Against You? Here’s What to Do.The Button Law Firm is here to explain daycare retaliation and how this can occur after a family has filed an anonymous report to the state.
Can Families in Plano, Texas, Sue If Their Child Was Injured at a Daycare Center?Our experienced daycare and child injury lawyers at BLF are making parents in Plano aware of their rights to sue if their child was injured at a daycare center.
Can Parents Still Sue a Daycare Center After They Sign a Liability Waiver?Our daycare and child injury lawyers at BLF are here to help families understand daycare center liability waivers and how they work in the legal process.
What Steps Should I Take If My Child Gets Hurt at a Daycare Center in Frisco, Texas?If your child was injured at a daycare center in Frisco, learn what steps to take to ensure their safety, hold the center accountable, and seek justice with the help of The Button Law Firm’s daycare injury lawyers. Call 214-699-4409 for a free case evaluation.
Top 4 Tips for Parents from a Daycare Injury LawyerOur experienced Texas daycare and child injury lawyers at The Button Law Firm share their top tips from years of experience of helping families after these traumatic incidents.
A Parent’s Guide to Suing a Daycare Center in Frisco, TexasOur daycare and child injury lawyers at The Button Law Firm explain how to take legal action to hold a negligent daycare center in Frisco accountable.
My Child Was Injured at a Daycare Center. What Does ‘Emotional Damages’ Mean When Taking Legal Action?Our daycare and child injury lawyers at The Button Law Firm explain what emotional damages are in a lawsuit. Call 214-699-4409 for a free case evaluation.
My Child Was Injured at a Daycare Center. Should I Talk to Other Parents?If your child was injured at a daycare center, speaking to other parents of children at the center can help strengthen your legal case.
My Child Was Injured at a Daycare Center That Is Now Closed. Can I Still Sue?If your child is injured at a daycare center that closed, it is possible to hold the center accountable. Call 214-699-4409 for a free case evaluation.
Helping Parents: What Should You Do If Your Child Is Hospitalized Because of a Daycare Injury?Our lawyers explain what parents should do if their child is hospitalized because of a daycare injury. Call 214-699-4409 to get a free case evaluation.
What Steps Should I Take If My Child Gets Hurt at a Daycare in McKinney, Texas?If your child is injured at a daycare in McKinney, follow these steps outlined by our daycare injury lawyers. Call 214-699-4409 for a free case evaluation.
My Child Was Injured at a Daycare Center in McKinney. How Can I File a Lawsuit?If your child is injured at a daycare in McKinney, Texas, you may be able to sue the center. Call 214-699-4409 to get a free case evaluation.