Surveillance Cameras 

Surveillance cameras are among the most popular gadgets to transform daycare safety and monitoring. Benefitting both parents and local daycare centers, cameras provide transparency to the childcare experience. In fact, our free guide to helping parents find safe daycare and childcare centers strongly encourages seeking out facilities with cameras for this reason.

New parents or parents who work long hours can easily check in on a child from anywhere at any time. For example, with just a few clicks, you can see how your child is interacting with their classmates, what activities they’re participating in, and ensuring workers are safely caring for your child and others at the center. This capability can provide peace of mind for anxious or worrisome parents and strengthen connections with little ones who are too young to speak or are nonverbal by peeking in throughout the day. 

For responsible daycare centers and caregivers, cameras in a classroom and throughout the facility reinforce Texas daycare laws, also known as minimum standards. The standards hold facilities and all staff to maintain a healthy and safe environment for the little ones in their care.

Activity Tracking Smartphone Apps

Have you ever heard the saying, “There’s an app for that!” Truly, there are apps for just about everything, including childcare—Lillio, Procare Solutions, SchoolCare Works, and ChildPilot are just a few.

These apps make it easy for working parents to stay informed about their child’s daily activities while at a daycare or childcare center. Capabilities include parent-teacher communications, updates on a child’s feeding and nap schedules, and any milestones a child reached throughout the day. Some apps allow caregivers to capture and send photos and videos to parents for a visual update.

This technology also allows caregivers at daycare and childcare centers to easily manage and streamline communications with multiple parents in a classroom via messaging features. Some apps even provide parents with customized, daily reports that summarize key aspects of each child’s day. A report may include the class schedule, activities, and the snapshots the teacher captured throughout the day.

How Can Technology Help Your Family If Your Child Is Harmed at a Daycare Center?

While we hope your child is protected and safe in the care of a daycare or childcare center, that is not always the case. Cameras and tracking apps are not full proof when it comes to preventing daycare injuries, but these technologies used for monitoring can reveal any negligent practices or help establish key elements that caused a child to be harmed at a local center. In one case we filed, a parent checking on their toddler via a daycare center’s live stream caught an abusive caregiver endangering their son. (Surveillance footage is so vital to child safety that the state of Illinois passed a bill earlier this spring requiring all licensed daycare centers to have operating cameras after a child died in a facility, per a WGEM article.)

Our experienced daycare and childcare injury lawyers have helped families across Texas successfully hold negligent facilities and caregivers accountable thanks to recorded evidence captured by monitoring technology. A few instances include:

Do you have questions about using technology to monitor your child at a daycare or childcare center or how to leverage digital evidence if your child was hurt? Our experienced and knowledgeable team is here to help. Call us at 214-699-4409 or email us at [email protected].

Hold a Negligent Daycare or Childcare Center Accountable with The Button Law Firm

If your child was physically or emotionally harmed or injured because of negligent practices at a daycare or childcare center anywhere in Texas, our team of experienced and compassionate daycare and childcare injury lawyers at The Button Law Firm can help. We’re dedicated to advocating for you and your family. We are ready to listen and fight for your family to get justice and move forward. Our lawyers at The Button Law Firm are recognized on the prestigious Texas Super Lawyers list, and we can help guide you after a traumatizing incident involving your child. We work on contingency, meaning we don’t charge you or collect any upfront fees to get started on your case. Get a free case evaluation by calling us at 214-699-4409, emailing us at [email protected], or filling out a contact form.

Russell Button
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Dallas, Houston, and Midland Texas trial and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.