What Daycare Laws Did the Pflugerville Daycare Center Break? 

Texas daycare laws, also known as minimum standards, govern how all licensed daycare and childcare centers across the state are operated daily. From caregiver qualifications and hiring best practices to the kinds of toys offered in a classroom, these standards aim to protect little ones when in a facility’s care.

Unfortunately, the Pflugerville daycare center in this case failed the toddler and his parents by not complying with the state’s strict safety standards. Our experienced daycare and child injury lawyers found that the Pflugerville center did not hire qualified caregivers, nor did the center provide ample training for them before placing little ones, including the toddler in this case, under their watch. Had the Pflugerville daycare center obeyed the law, the toddler’s caregiver would have known to keep a close eye on every child in the classroom to ensure that they all had cleared the door before it closed. Thus, the toddler would have been spared the pain and permanent disfiguration of his finger caused by the crush in the door hinge.

To make matters worse, the unqualified caregivers at the Pflugerville daycare center continued to violate minimum standards by not contacting emergency medical services or a healthcare professional to tend to the toddler immediately after the incident. The toddler’s finger showed obvious signs of serious injury: It appeared smashed and was bleeding profusely from lacerations. Yet the caregivers persisted in using poor judgment and did not seek medical attention for the child even though it was required by law.

The toddler’s parents had to take their son to the nearby emergency room at Dell Children’s Medical Center to treat his severe injuries. There, doctors diagnosed him with a partial amputation and crush injury of the right middle finger. Doctors also noted that the base of his fingernail was torn away, and he had deep lacerations on both sides of his finger. He required several stitches, follow-up care with physicians, and was on a painful, yet necessary, ongoing wound care plan.

How Did The Button Law Firm Hold the Pflugerville Daycare Center Accountable for the Toddler’s Amputation?

In addition to undergoing extensive medical treatment, the toddler was severely traumatized by the incident at the Pflugerville daycare center. He developed anxiety and would cry when driving by the center, even after his parents took him out of the center. And he refused to open and close any doors, terrified that he would get hurt again.

His permanently disfigured right finger served as a constant reminder of the Pflugerville daycare center’s failures. His nail now grows at an upward angle, which often catches on blankets and stuffed animals, causing him more pain. The shape of the new nail also causes him to struggle with everyday tasks like fastening a button on his clothes or turning a light switch on and off. He has coped by trying to use his left hand—despite being right-handed—to color, and there is the potential that his penmanship will be affected as he ages.

Thanks to our daycare and child injury lawyers at The Button Law Firm, the Pflugerville daycare center was held accountable for all its negligent actions and minimum standard violations that led to the toddler’s permanent finger injuries. He and his family were awarded a settlement that compensated them for all damages, including the pain and suffering they experienced, the expensive medical bills, and the resources that helped him move forward from the traumatic incident at the Pflugerville daycare center in a healthy way.

The Button Law Firm Can Help Your Family with a Daycare Abuse Case

If your child was seriously harmed because caregivers did not comply with Texas daycare safety laws, contact our experienced daycare and child injury lawyers at The Button Law Firm. With attorneys in Dallas, Houston, and Midland, we are ready to listen, fight for your family, and help your family move forward. Our lawyers at The Button Law Firm are recognized on the prestigious Texas Super Lawyers list, and we can help guide you after a traumatizing incident involving your child. We work on contingency, meaning we don’t charge you or collect any upfront fees to get started on your case. Call us at 214-699-4409, email us at [email protected], or fill out a contact form for a free case evaluation.

Russell Button
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Dallas, Houston, and Midland Texas trial and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.

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