When you aren’t sure where to turn for reliable information about daycare negligence, wrongful death, or personal injuries in Texas, check out our library of free articles. Our legal team researches topics that we believe will be helpful in answering your questions. Use this as your resource as you plan your recovery and decide whether to take legal action against the responsible party.
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Summer Daycare Safety: How Centers in The Woodlands Can Prevent Children from OverheatingOur daycare injury lawyers are educating parents about instances of children in The Woodlands overheating in a daycare van or bus. If your child experienced a heat-related injury at a daycare, call 281-857-6116.
Hot Button Issues - May 2024Discover inspiring stories of resilience, celebration, and progress in this month's Hot Button Issues. Russell honors his mother's resilience, Elizabeth marks her birthday and workiversary, and Rena triumphs in completing law school. Dive into how we assisted a family after a daycare injury and spotlight The Worthy Co., aiding our community's advancement.
A Closer Look at the Causes of Skull Fractures in Texas Daycare CentersTexas daycare injury lawyers are educating parents about skull fractures and the common ways they happen at daycares. Call 214-699-4409 to get justice for your child.
Parent's Guide to Daycare Drugging Incidents in The WoodlandsTo help parents, lawyers at The Button Law Firm are providing information about drugging incidents at daycare centers in The Woodlands. If you suspect that your child was drugged, contact our daycare injury lawyers for a free case evaluation by calling 281-857-6116.
Medication Mishaps at Texas Daycare Centers and Legal Steps to Get JusticeOur Texas daycare injury lawyers describe the legal options you can take if your child was given an incorrect medication or dose while at daycare. Call 214-699-4409 for a free case evaluation.
Filing a Lawsuit After a Texas Daycare Injury: Protecting Our ChildrenDeciding whether to sue a daycare for your child's injury is a personal choice. Gather information and resources to make informed decisions about your child's safety.
Things to Consider When Looking for a Safe DaycareBy prioritizing safety, considering your needs, and utilizing the available resources, you can find the ideal nurturing environment for your Dallas daycare.
Heatstroke Hazards at Daycare Centers in The WoodlandsOur daycare injury lawyers are raising awareness about the dangers of heatstroke and heat-related dangers for kids at daycare centers in The Woodlands. Call 281-857-6116 for a free case evaluation if your child suffered from heatstroke at a daycare center.
Helping Parents After a Child Breaks a Bone at a Texas Daycare CenterIf your child breaks a bone while in the care of a daycare center, contact our daycare injury lawyers at The Button Law Firm. Call 214-699-4409 for a free case evaluation.
For Grieving Parents: Daycare Wrongful Death Incidents in The WoodlandsIn legal terms, losing a child in a preventable incident at a daycare center in The Woodlands is called the wrongful death of a child. Our daycare injury lawyers help parents navigate this difficult time while seeking justice. Get a free consultation by calling 281-857-6116.
Hot Button Issues - April 2024This month, we spotlight perilous daycare red flags and recount a family's ordeal with a frightening bottle warmer mishap. Catch up on team news, including celebrating Eurika's first year and welcoming our latest addition, Margo. Plus, you won't want to miss the heartwarming National Siblings Day photo gallery showcasing our team!
Face-to-Name Checks: A Simple Step to Protect Children at Texas Daycare CentersThe Texas daycare injury lawyers at The Button Law Firm are educating parents about face-to-name checks and how performing this step can keep children safe. If your child was injured at a daycare center, call 214-699-4409 for a free case evaluation.